Friday, July 31, 2009
All-You-Can-Eat Naan is the Next Best Thing After All-You-Can-Eat Sushi...or Better?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Observances of this Part of the World
I was in the Information Center today, which was a bit nerve racking because that's where people go to learn all the info they want, which means I have to be on my game! Shoghi Effendi (the Guardian of the Faith) says "it's a very important position as it often marks the very first contact of a person with the Faith and on it may hinge that individuals future attitude towards the Cause."...Yeah, that's pretty heavy stuff. I don't want my words to be the deciding point of whether someone likes or dislikes the Faith! Hahaha. But it's not just the words, I know, it's the spirit of the person which also attracts those who are interested. It's a good challenge, it'll get me more ready with what I want to say and how I want to say it. I also did office work today, a lot of paper shredding, and my feet are killing me! I'm pretty tired but have to muster up energy because there is a "hen's night" (bachelorett night) tonight- Indian restaurant with a DJ and dancers :)
Went to a Child Protection training in a town about 1 1/2 hours away. Had to take the train all by myself. It really makes me nervous doing things on my own, even just one more person with me makes me more comfortable, even if they are are child. Anyway, accomplishing train riding on my own was pretty exciting :) Well, I'll leave you with something more exciting than my lack of adventures. (P.s. I saw wild parrots! They had purple heads, bright green wings and yellow and orange tummies, and they were standing like a foot away from me. They were SOOO cute. So wish I had my camera. Also saw 3 wallabies in one day. They are adorable. I'm just fascinated by the wild life that's here).
Some things I've learned:
1. There is no honking here; it's silence on the road. So coming from Taiwan and LA, that's pretty new.
2. Traffic lanes randomly appear and disappear- something I am never going to get use to. What is the point of it if it's just going to vanish in 1 foot?!
3. They speak a different language- Some guy told me to get off the train in "Wynyute", yet how it's spelled (and I guess sorta pronounced), is "Wynyard"- almost missed my stop.
4. All words are abbreviated. A "bather" is a bathing suite, a "pressie" is a present....can't keep up ma...
5. Maybe it's because we're by a beach, but there are please walking the streets with no shoes on. I say that that's ok on the beach, not when your on sidewalks.
6. I don't think there are straight roads here, all streets are winding roads. Also, roundabouts are on every street. They make me nervous and I feel there is no use for them. I think we have one in Orange County...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Almost Hit a Wild Turkey

Friday, July 24, 2009
Days of Blissful Joy
Anyway, this guy was so receptive to what I was saying, and what I was saying was surprising me! I was calm and collected and coming up with info that I thought was interesting for him- definitely had assistance :) It was really cool, just to have someone who was interested and was willing to listen to what I said, and also gave his opinion. He bought a poster too! It was of the Shrine of the Bab in Haifa, Israel- a night view from the bottom up, very pretty, he was impressed. I directed him to the Information Center where he could learn more and have people that might be of more assistance, and he went, which made me happy. So so far the day has been going well. Later on I am to go into one of the national parks with my roommates and our supervisor friend, very excited!
I saw a wallaby! It was a very quick look since it was late at night, it blended in with the truck of a tree, and we were in a car. But it was so cute! Probably came up to about my hip. I've seen a lot of birds but have no clue what they are. We have some that are white and black that kind of look like penguins, and then ones that are skinny with yellow beaks...I bet they're exotic and the kind you can only see at a zoo, and I'm missing it! I should do some bird researching.
The previous couple of days I was the receptionist at the National Baha'i Centre. I had to pick up the phone. It was scary. I've always thought it would be cool to be a receptionist, haha, I know, high aspirations I have. I got to dress up in professional work clothes which was very exciting :) I don't think I transferred anyone to the wrong person....I got to catch up on writing in my journal, and read a little, and caught up on email...funny how the only time I can really do that is when I'm at work. I really need and want to pray at the Temple! It's here at my disposal and I just forget; and, also, I'm so busy with training and working and socializing that by the time I think of it, it's dark and I'm tired. I need to get buddy buddy with the boys because they have the key to the Temple and so we can pray in there at night :)
Last night after a deepening on a Baha'i book in the outside Temple community, bunch of the youth went to Max Brenner's- it's Israeli and it's awesome- all they do is serve chocolate. ANY kind of chocolate in ANY form. Definitely cures your sweet tooth. My roommate and I shared a chocolate fondue; sooooo delish. Gives Melting Pot a run for their money :) It was really nice, meeting the youth and just hanging. Since I'm going to be here long term I'm going to have to break out and meet people and mingle, so I'm very proud that I did that, mingled!
As for my sickness, it's much better. I'm no longer that fatigued, I did cough most of the day yesterday (very annoying, for me and those around I'm sure), but now I'm almost back to normal :) Thank you for all the well wishes.!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I'm Sick...Boooo
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I Can Look at the Opera House All Day

Today, a roommate, Nadia, and I went to Mona Vale Beach because it was our day off and we wanted to relax :) Guess what? It was gorgeous too! It's almost a shame that I have to describe it to you because it won't do it justice. The water literally looked like it was painted on, dark blues with hints of purple and light blue....man, just fantastic. The sand was gold, the water was pretty freezing but very calming, and I could see my feet while it was in the water! So we sat on the beach and just watched the surfers try to take on the beautiful ocean. After about an hour or so we decided to walk towards a cliff a bit far off to see the ocean from the top and it was breathtaking. Just absolute serenity. Just wanted to hang there forever. We soaked it in then walked to where a ride would be....my legs burned! Nadia and I went jogging the day before around the Baha'i Temple (which is gorgeous at night, especially at sunset) and since I haven't worked out for a year, I'm a bit sore and that hasn't gone away....plus, I'm feeling a little sick. We have another roommate that's been since for a week so maybe we both are getting it. So i'm pretty tired right now, but nonetheless, these past two days have been spectacular, I love that I've seen Sydney, I love that I've see the ocean; it's been relaxing yet exhausting.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, I'll be back to work. I've yet to pray in the Temple at night- I've heard it's a whole other experience. Oh! And I've seen an opossum- so cute! No wallaby yet- can't wait! And I've decided that the kookuburra is the MOST annoying bird in the history of birds!!! They “sing” with a sound that is a mix between a hyena and a chimpanzee, and they don't shut up!...I'm putting up with nature for Baha'u'llah :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Kangaroo Meat is Awesome :)
It's 9:30am on Saturday, volunteers are meeting with the National Spiritual Assembly (NSA) of Australia- we're having tea, very proper :) So I have to go shower and get ready but wanted to definitely tell all the Americans that I ate kangaroo and what it tastes like. Oh, by the way, I'm getting a lot of guff for being from the USA! They make me the butt of jokes, and they have to translate for me- found out "nibblies" are snacks, a "que" is a line, and the "boot" is the trunk of the car. At least I can understand the majority of sentences!
Love to all. Thank you for the comments :)