I'm loving Indian food. It's my new passion. All I have to do is think it, or see a color that reminds me of the curry, and I'm there, full on craving Indian cuisine. The down side is, however, that I don't have an appetite that has adapted to spicy foods yet (bummer!)...I hesitate to go to India because I'm sure their spices are much stronger than ours- and I can only eat mild :) Anyway, point to this, other than hinting at those reading to take me out for Indian, is that there are Baha'i friends getting married, and for the bride to be's bachelorette party, we went to an Indian buffet restaurant. Can you say score?! First of all, my senses for where the free food is has sharpened about 150% (i.e. left overs from meetings held on the lot, or the guys wanting to cook for the girls), and my appetite for "all-you-can-ever-possibly-consume" has increased about 200%.
Being on your own makes you realize how expensive a stop at the grocery store can be, how it's your money that is disappearing rather quickly, and no matter how full you are you're going to finish everything on your plate because you are not throwing your own money away. I use to think that I eat more healthily when I'm on my own, but it doesn't seem like that's the case. I think I'm eating to just fill me up. And it feels like I want to eat all the time! Why is this?! Maybe it's because I've made friends that are as much of food lovers as I am, or that I'm feeling more stressed that I even realize, or maybe I'm just not eating healthy enough. Anyway...how did this become a post about my eating habits?! Back to the point...
So we go to this buffet and the food is delicious. The curries of beef and lamb are to die for. And the naan is the best part. If you've never tried naan, stop reading, go to Google, search for where you can buy it (already made, like a restaurant), and go buy yourself some. You'll never want to eat anything but naan. It's a creamy texture, buttered and seasoned, made in like a kettle- it's fantastical! At the same time as I'm stuffing my face with naan, they're playing Bollywood music with Bollywood dance sequences in the background- and it's so fun- all you want to do is put on bangles and a sari, take off your shoes and learn a routine you can all dance in the streets of New York. Just like the movies. We played little bachelorette games and ate and laughed. They had a dance floor so we all danced. Kinda odd to see your mentors in the office and "bosses" dancing and telling you to come join them (where does the line appear and disappear?) :) We called it a night pretty early since we all had to work the following day (this was on a Thursday). I'm glad I went. Although I haven't known the bride to be for very long, she's the sweetest thing, very kind and sincere. I'm very excited for her :)
LAST night, is a totally different story. If you have a bachelorette party, you have to have a bachelor party. So the groom to be, plus 3 boys and 4 girls all went out dancing. It was my first bachelor party :) hahaha, I think we just called it that, I don't know if it just was a night out in the town, but it was super fun. Got into a dance club for (get this) free! and then we danced the night away. Literally. The group that went were so into it and we were all having fun, it was really nice. However, my feet have never hurt as much as they do now, darn wanting to be tall! The groom to be is a joy, he's from Cameroon and just listening to him talk is awesome. He's a ton of fun to be with. The wedding is tomorrow, Sunday, and we're all excited. It's gana be massive.
It's lately dawned on me that I've been doing a lot of bonding/going out/fun time, and at first I was indifferent to it, thinking it's nice to meet new people and do new things, and it still is....but I feel it's been over shadowing what I'm suppose to be doing here. I'm not saying it should be no fun and games, but I don't feel like I'm filling up my cup. Albeit I've only been here for two weeks, but maybe I don't fee like I'm being challenged? I had that thought a couple of days ago and then Boom! I'm guiding and welcoming guests at the Temple (which is a little nerve racking). I'll pray and soak it in...it might all change tomorrow.
Just a quick note, I know this has been long, but while I was guiding (which includes welcoming people at the Info Center when they first arrive, standing by the Temple to insure that no one is disrupting the meditation atmosphere, and discussing the Faith with those who have questions at the Info Center) I was able to pray in the Temple, out loud, all by myself, and it was a strange (like I'm not suppose to be doing it) yet calming sensation to hear your voice echo as you read aloud the words of God. Yes, there are some perks to the job :)

Lovely lovely posts Ailene! So enjoy reading your exploits :) And yes, we LOVE naan - AND sushi... not that we've eaten them together, although that's not a bad idea!
We have a big teaching project starting this summer in Pomona - part of the so. cal. project your brother and David are training for this week in San Diego. Please keep us in your prayers!
Lots of love and hugs, Deborah
I didn't know you like Indian food so much. I'm glad you got to eat all you can of it! Sounds like you are having an amazing time... doing things you haven't gotten to do here. Don't even for a second worry about you having too much fun. I know your trip is about serving the faith, but it is also a journey for discovering and further understanding yourself. So it's all part of the true experience!
Much love,
Manda (:
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