Here are some photos from my 22nd birthday!!! Will have a new post of my recent adventures very soon :) Love to all!!!!
I woke up to these 5 signs facing my room!

...from my fun-loving roommate Emmy :)
The pashmina is from my other roommate Betty, the chocolates and the coupon book from Jess, and the jewlery and Baha'i Prayer Book from Philipp, who left for Germany just days before. Apparently Julian is sending me a German cow by post :) So thoughtful and I love every single one of them.

At the 19 Day Feast, the community sang to me and I got to blow out candles. So sweet and thoughtful. I was really touched :)
Azah and Vafa took me out for delicious Thai food after Feast. Was so full but soooo happy!
The next day, the office staff (some pictured) sang me "Happy Birthday" and gave me a little cake (I was off on my birthday so it happened the next day while I was working in Membership) I was very pleasantly surprised!!

Can you taste the awesomeness?!

It makes me extremely happy to know that you are surrounded by such amazing people. Your friends seem great!
Both cakes look so yummy!!
Much Love,
Manda (:
Yum, yum! How great to have such celebration for your birthday! Wonderful folks surrounding you!
HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY! :)
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