Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm Back Home

I've been avoiding writing, fearing that once pen touches paper, all my fears will take over and emotion will consume me. I've been home 2 days now, and it's actually the weirdest feeling in the world....I feel like I'm not here, like I'm in a dream world, and that soon enough I will wake up and be in my 3x3 room with kookaburras screaming up a storm. I cried for 2 days straight before I left, so I think I'm all cried out now, yet, have no idea how to express this uncertainty that is within me.

My last couple days in Sydney were so nice- I saw a lot of people and got to say my goodbyes, and I got to go to the House of Worship for the last time on my own, where I, expectedly, balled my eyes out. I miss the people, but I think in the long run, I'll miss the environment the most- an environment that fosters growth, that is infused with a strong sense of love and unity and service. To have the House of Worship there for whenever I needed a place to gather my thoughts, let my emotions run wild, or just to get some peace, it was invaluable.

On the plane, I sat next to a guy who just lives down the road from the Temple. I tried to talk about my service, but found that speaking in past tense was just too hard for me, and I couldn't properly talk if I was going to break down in tears each time! I told him straight out to just ignore me if I was crying in my little corner hahaha. I tried to distract myself with sleep and some lame movies...but it didn't work, some hard, silent crying came through the cracks.

It's going to be an interesting transition to say the least.....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Countdown Has Begun...4 Days

...That's so weird to write.

You've gotta understand that in some ways I feel like I've just started my service here! I've been integrated into this community, I've built relationships with people, gotten involved in various activities...and I'm leaving?! Ughhhhh. Bitter sweet to the MAX.

I go through periods of just sobbing my little heart out, and periods of feeling very detached and content (or just no emotion)- it's not as extreme as it sounds, and I think I've been able to balance it better than I have been able to in the past. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I cannot predict what I will feel a certain day, and which emotions will decide to manifest themselves that day.

I had a goodbye party (so weird to have one for myself!)- It was at the beach on a nice warm, sunny day, and people just dropped in and out, and so I got to see many people before I leave. It was really nice. I had my junior youth group today- they took own initiative and planned a mini-going away for me. It was so sweet! Completed with poppers, lollies (candy), balloons and everything! I was/am so touched. I'm going to miss those radiant souls.

Will try to post I leave. If not...See you on the other side of the world! PEACE! SEE YA!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Blessing of A Year

To put it in the simplest of terms, this year has been a true blessing, a gift, something that will probably never happen again. Each time I reflect back on how the year has been and the things I've experienced....I can't help but start to cry. To be able to do the things I've don, and meet the people I've met, and learn what I have learned...nothing can replace that, and I truly do see the tests that I have had as a gift, because without them, I wouldn't have been able to grow, and I wouldn't have learned to fully rely on the spiritual (God). Believe me when I said some tests were testing my patience with God and with life- some tests I thought would never end; but with patience, prayer, detachment and inner joy, I was able to over come that- it's one of my proudest learning.

My test now is to be content with the path I'm about to trod, to be detached from my emotions of sadness, and to learn to have that faith and trust that everything will be ok and that opportunities will arise, doors will open, and my life will continue to unfold as it should.

Did I tell you about my "go hard or go home" plan? Basically, my roommate and I have been living by that motto the last couple of weeks. Anything opportunity that comes out of the ordinary, we grab it and run full speed with it. My sense of "is this practical?" has completely gone out the door. Forget that! I'm living it up best I can!....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where's Ailene? In the Opera House!

Tonight I was blessed to have the opportunity to see a ballet IN the Opera House!! I was so excited. First off, I love ballet. Second, I love Sydney. Third, who am I kidding?! I'm still a tourist.

One of my housemates' parents are visiting and treated me to the show, which was really nice- we were in the 2nd main hall, all the way at the back, but were able to see everything on stage. It was more of a modern ballet ("The Silver Rose") but still very enjoyable :)

At one point, during intermission, we went out to a balcony where you could look out into the harbour and see the bridge smack-dab in front of you- while looking at the immense beauty that architecture can create, I think to myself, "...where is the Opera House? It's usually right across...oooooh"- the penny finally drops. DUH. I'm IN the Opera House! How sick is that?! hahahahahaha

This year was a blessing. I'm going to milk my last couple of weeks to the fullest.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Does it Mean to Live in the Moment?

For the past month I've really tried to practice the art of living in the moment. It's something that I've never been great at, but knowing that my time here is fleeting, soaking in every moment possible is vital.

I feel on some level, I've accomplished doing so- I've fully enjoyed all the events I've been doing, indulged myself in resturants and outings, and not worrying about finances or lack of sleep. I've had a legit meat pie, true state-of-the-art fish and chips, gone to an amusment park by the Sydney Harbour, gone to the city and enjoyed Pancakes on the Rocks, hung out with all different groups of friends and just living my last couple weeks to the fullest....Now the emotion is hitting me. Hitting me hard.

My undodgeable feelings of sadness have been put on the backburner for now, because up until today I wasn't going to let them take over and inhibit me from doing all the activies I want to do before I go home. The last two weeks were really good- full on happy and enjoying “living in the moment”...but at the same time, was I pushing my feelings aside? Ignoring it? In denial?

So what does it mean to live in the moment? Does it mean living like you don't know what is going to happen, which means it all hits you at once? Does it mean you constantly think about what is eminately going to happen and in turn being unhappy all the time? I know it's finding the balance, and right now, I'm off balance for sure. Am I to constantly remind myself that I have less than 3 weeks to go?! Because honestly now I feel like that's what I need to do to stay in “reality,” but then it makes me sad....

Ughhhhhh! God help!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Holy Crap-o...I Have One Month Left

I cannot believe it!!! Can you?!?! How has time flown by so quickly?!?!

I guess the fact that when you enjoy what you do it makes the time fly so much faster. I mean, looking back at my first post, did you EVER think I was getting out of California!? I sure as heck didn't! Last year was so painfully slow I wanted to hurt someone...this year just seemed to fly by in comparison!

The more I think about it, I guess the more “prepared” I am, but then really, am I ever going to be prepared for it? I didn't even know that I was going to be sad leaving California until the morning of my departure, so on some level, I think I won't feel the full effect of it until the day of; that scares me actually. I don't want to be hit with emotion all of a sudden and have it hurt more than I let it.

I'm currently trying to cram all the “to-do's” before I leave. On the list? Pancakes on the Rocks, fairy from Circular Quay to Manly Beach (passing the Opera House full on), playing cricket, going to a rugby game, going to the beach, and I'm sure a whole heap more!

My friends and I came to an epiphany today- that the Youth Year of Service program is kind of like a mature Junior Youth Program. Just as the JY Program is to center the energies of JY and give them something to focus on (like service) during a crucial time of life decision making, doing a year of service during your transitional years of high school to college is the same thing! It's centering all that energy and zeal that youth have and concentrating it on service, and focusing that scattered liveliness on something that focuses it on a life time of service to humanity. To have it concentrated is a gift.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Junior Youth Empowerment Program

One of the main activities the Baha'i community is focusing now on are programs aimed and designed to empower the junior youth and start them off on a lifetime of service. “Junior Youth” are classified as those who are between the ages of 12 and 15. It's those 3 crucial years of life that one is between being a child and being a youth. It's a time of physical, emotional, social and environmental changes, where the intellect of these young people are being challenged to comprehend the world around them.

The “objective is the empowerment of the participants through development of [their] spiritual perception, enhancement of the power of expression and the building of a sound moral moulds the capacities of junior youth for service to humanity.”

What does it mean to develop their “spiritual perception”, “enhance their power of expression” and “build a sound moral structure”?

My understanding of developing a spiritual perception is that these teens will be able to start seeing the world through spiritual eyes, through the eyes of virtues and that of our spiritual nature, and not through the eyes of materialism or the status quo. As for enhancing their power of expression, in most people's eyes, tweens, aren't the most eloquent of people, but they are in truth very intelligent and have all the tools to lead a community, they just need to leran to hone that sill; having a structure where the power of comprehension and communication is focused on, the teens will hopefully learn how to eloquently and effectively put their ideas on the table, how to express their feelings, and how to effectively make a change in their environment. Building a sound moral structure is that of helping them construct an environment around based on a moral standard that is conducive to their development. Morality is on a low in this world, so to have youth that have a moral basis in their life has the potential to change what we perceive as “normal” and accepted.

A class generally consists of arts and crafts, games, sports, as well as prayer and lessons based in moral values. This type of structure allows the pre-youth to have somewhere they can focus all their artistic and physical energy on.

“After a time he enters the period of youth in which his former conditions and needs are superseded by new requirements applicable to the advance in his degree. His faculties of observation are broadened and deepened, his intelligent capacities are trained and awakened, the limitations and environment of childhood no longer restrict his energies and accomplishments.” (Abdu'l-Baha)

I am currently helping out with a friend's junior youth group which consists of 6 non-Baha'i girls, full of energy and willingness to learn and participate. At times it's really hard to keep them focused, but then I have to remind myself that I am there as a friend, a mentor, not a teacher- that while they need structure, they also need companionship and friendship which is at times even more important.

I have found it hard to connect to the junior youth, so I made it a point to gain some sort of experience while here in Australia. I feel really lucky to have the opportunity to help with this class I'm in- the girl that started it is full of energy herself and knows exactly what she's doing through experience- hopefully with this experience, I'll be able to get involved and assist with a JY when I get back home.

The purpose of this program isn't to “convert” the youth, just like how getting enrollments in the Faith isn't the main purpose of teaching. The curriculum is based in Baha'i writings, but the main thing it aims to do is to set these young people, with so much vigor and fire, on a path of service to humanity for the rest of their lives.

They are they future, they are the ones that are going to shape our world- we're constantly handing the progress of our society to the next generation...don't you want that generation to be full of vitality, eloquence, passion, faith and understanding of the influence each and every person has on the world? I know I do.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Time is Dwindling Down

...and I'm getting depressed....sort of...

At first, the idea of going home was just heart wrenching;literally like someone was squeezing my insides. But as I've gotten more and more use to the idea of leaving this sacred land, the idea of going home is less traumatic.

I feel like being here has been so conducive to my growth, spiritual and otherwise, and what I've come to realize is it's because it's an environment that is loving, uniting, and it's infused with a sense of purpose. Yes it's been hard and yes there have been times I've wanted to strangle people out of frustration, but overall, this environment fosters unity, it emanates love and friendship, and it gives a focus to life. It's hard to explain, but as my time starts to run out, I'm trying to soak it in as much as possible (even writing this is making me sad and want to cry)...

The last couple weeks/months I was contemplating moving to Australia permanently to start work and maybe live here for a bit; but through talking to my adopted families and life-guiders here, I came to the conclusion that, even though I love Australia more than I ever thought I would, now is probably the time for me to go back to school. I've always wanted to go back when I was passionate about something, but at the rate I'm going, that may never happen...and in order to start a career and travel to my little hearts desire, I'll need to get some sort of credentials. Studying abroad is always an option too....too late to still hope Oprah will adopt me? Maybe....

Guiding at the Temple last Friday, I was able to talk to this really, really spiritual guy, who is obviously on a path of self-discovery and search. We had a full 2 hour conversation, talking about everything from industrialization to the purpose of family life to the unifying nature that is religion. He may not know it, but he's on a path and as much as he thinks he has found his place, he's not there yet, because he was drawn to the Temple and that is something. What I realized while talking to him, though I've realized this before, is how unique it is to have this opportunity- to have people COME to where I'm working specifically to learn about the Faith, and to be here to share and teach as much as possible is a true blessing and a wondrous learning experience. Whether people know it or not, they've come to the House of Worship, not by chance, but by something greater than they know. Hopefully I've been able to help plant a seed of interest to purely just learn. What other times will I have people coming somewhere specifically to learn and to explore? You bet I'm soaking it in like a sponge.

The period of the Fast has just concluded and it was a lovely experience to do it with close friends. It's one of those things that you don't necessarily know what the spiritual effects on yourself are, but you know that through detachment comes joy, and that cant be a bad thing. This coming weekend we have a friend that's going to take us to see an AFL (Australian Football League) game- I'm excited! Not too into football (remember, this is Australian football), but if it makes me more Australian, I'm down!

I've started a list of things I want to do before I go home, so the next month and a half will be quite packed. Hopefully when I get home I can have like an “info” night so people can come see pictures and hear stories and all try Vegemite.

Let the countdown begin....=/

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time for Spiritual Cleansing

Baha'is around the world are now observing the 19 Day Fast, where we abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset....

"It's...essentially a period of meditation and prayer, of spiritual recuperation, during which the believer must strive to make the necessary readjustments in his inner life, and to refresh and reinvigorate the spiritual forces latent in his soul. Its significance and purpose are, therefore, fundamentally spiritual in character. Fasting is symbolic, and a reminder of abstinence from selfish and carnal desires.."

First day was today- woke up at 6am and had breakfast with the housemates, then we all meditated and prayed together. It was so calming and centering- a great way to start off the day :) I felt rather good throughout the day- didn't feel particularly hungry or thirsty, was a bit tired though. I think it's going to take service to new heights.

"Fasting is of two kinds, material and spiritual. The material fasting is abstaining from food or drink, that is, from the appetites of the body. But spiritual, ideal fasting is this, that man abstain from selfish passions, from negligence and from satanic animal traits."

I can't believe I have only 3 more months left here.....

2n-4th Day in Samoa

Samoa is so lush- it rained everyday, without a doubt, while we were there, which inevitably makes a country gorgeous. I felt so at home, not just cuz of the climate and the greenery, and honestly I don't know why I felt at home, but I didn't feel like I stood out at all against the dark Samoans.

Second day we went to the flee market and shopped for lava lavas (the wraps that the Samoans wear- both men and women, really cool!) and jewelry made out of coconut. Needless to say, we ate a lot of coconuts. The flesh is the best- so tender and chewy :) Our first visit to the House of Worship was on the second day, but it wasn't until the third visit later on in the trip that I really felt I connected with the Temple, and really got to pray and meditate and listen to the birds melodic songs... the Temple is very simplistic, more so than the Sydney one, but it fits in so well with the surroundings and the nature that envelopes it. All the Houses of Worship are similar in design but very unique at the same time in that they are all very specific to the country and those cultures. We were able to meet the surrounding youth and families- so many children and junior youth, and a lot of singing, it made the environment so lively! The fathering that we went to, a 19 Day Feast, was conducted in both Samoan and English, and the translation was done by the youth- in their school they teach Samoan until about grade 3, so unless you speak it at home, you'll loose it, so it's a way to get the young to be in touch with their culture.

After Sunday service, Wendy took us to a beach (when we were going to a beach we would have to pay an entrance fee because we were entering into someones village and the chief would take that money (usually 10-20 Tala, so 5-10 AUS) and distribute it to the whole town), and had prepared traditional Samoan food- taro, bananas and coconuts are staple foods in Samoa. So we had fire roasted taro and bananas with a taro leaf with coconut cream spread, along with a chicken and coconut cream spread. Sooooo delicious. After that beach we went to a resort, called Virgin's Cove, and stayed in a fala (a hut made of coconut tree I think) on the beach. It was absolutely gorgeous. Mind you, it rained and was cloudy pretty much the whole time we were there, so although it was lovely, we couldn't really see the sky! It was actually the last day, when we were driving to the airport, that clear skies happened, so all my pictures of the Temple are a little hard to see because the background and the dome are the same color. Anyway, the beach was still enjoyable even though it was a bit overcast. Fish were literally swimming at our feet, and we didn't even need to go in deep to have them swim around! And the water was so incredibly clear- we could be 7feet in and still be able to see our entire body. You just have to see it to believe it.

The funniest thing happened when we were driving home, in the pouring rain, in a taxi. We were talking to the taxi driver, younger guy, about why we were in Samoa...etc, and he's like “Yeah, I think I saw you guys at the waterfall the other day” Hahahahaha! I was like “woahhhhh...smaaaaall country!”- if we were in any other country it would've been creepy, but since it's such a small island everyone knows everyone, it was so cool! And the day later, we bump into 3 more people we knew! =)

The day we were flying out of Samoa we got up early to say prayers in the Temple. 6am. It was so lovely because we saw the sky go from grey/blue to light blue. We didn't exactly see the light shine through the panels, but it was so awesome to see the Temple slowly light up from the inside. It was also so nice to just gaze out the doors and see a sea of vibrant green. So incredibly serene.

I went through island withdrawal the first week I was back in Sydney. I really do miss it. I can't believe it's been already a month since I was in time flies by.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Day, Great First Impressions

Our first night in Samoa was that of an interesting one. We arrived at midnight and got picked up about 1am. As we drove to our village, called Tiapapata which was about an hour away, we got a lowdown of the history of Samoa, customs, culture from our new friend Manu, who was the eldest son of the family we were staying with. Sitting in the front seat, hanging my head out of the window, seeing an absolutely clear sky and learning about what comprised of a village (the chief-hood and customs in the family) and just feeling insanely happy- it was a really good start to our visit.

Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep, but heck, who needs sleep!? (that's been my theory for the past 2 months...I think it might be affecting me). Our first full day we had the pleasure of waking up to the smell of fresh made bread- Wendy, the mother who really became our mother, made her own bread, and for our whole visit she cooked for us everyday, and it made us feel so at home and so loved. It was the first time that I can remember that I could taste the love and care in the food I was eating. Maybe I just miss home a bit haha.

The House of Worship, which is the first in the Pacific Islands, one of 7 in the world, is literally in their back yard! It was such a blessing because we didn't have to worry about transport because it was a 2 minute walk down their drive way :) We saw it when we drove to their house during the night, but it was pitch black, so we full on intended to make it out first visit in Samoa. However, the family was going to the beach, and since we didn't really have a plan for our trip and no means of transportation, we decided to go with the flow and hop on the beach wagon. We ended up going to the other side of the island, unknown to us- it only took about 35 minutes to get to- and we visited a black sand beach where the sand looked like sesame. What was a amazing is that the waves crashed miles away, so we were in a bay and were able to snorkel (first time!) which our backs suffered for. To get to any beach we had to go through a village and to go through the village we had to pay, about $10AUS- they chiefs take the money and distribute it to the whole village to use. The beaches in Samoa totally took the cake from Australia- I was completely taken by Aussie's beach, and they are gorgeous, but NOTHING compares to a Pacific Island's water- absolutely clear and the blues are so intensely contrasting that your eyes are just having a feast! We could be 7feet deep and still see our whole body and fish swimming around us. Simply amazing.

We went to a freshwater waterfall afterwards to “clean off.” Jumping off the waterfall was a little daunting, even thought it wasn't a huge jump, the idea of it was still...ek. But soooooo FUN! Gorgeous, gorgeous country. Like everything else, you need to see it to know what I'm talking about! On the way home us white girls sat in the back of the ute (truck) and waved as we drove past the locals. We got fully rained on as we made our way up the hill to home, drenched! We tried to shield ourselves with beach towels, but alas, the rain won :)

If you've never been to a Pacific Island, I high recommend Samoa to be your first. It's just modern enough to not have lost it's own culture. It's a really great balance. And plus, it's paradise.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Taste of Samoa

Sorry for the delay in stories from Samoa!

It's been hard to get back into the swing of things; still in Island mode I guess :)

Wow. Where to start?!

It was so amazing. Every part of it. The effect of it hit me after I got back to Australia. The whole experience was just unforgettable. The people are so warm and welcoming, and so happy! I had the idea that Samoa was like Hawaii, but it isn't so Western influenced and still has a lot of it's own culture. It's also considered a 3rd world country- it's the first time I've been in a 3rd world country (that I can remember anyway), and at first it was a little weird- like realizing that the little huts on the side of the roads are actually fruit and veggie stands and that there aren't really any markets or shops (until you get into town), but after a while it became just accepted and I loved it! The island takes 3 hrs to go around, about 35-40 minutes to go from one side to the other. The Temple is situated close to the Northern part of the island, closer to Apia. The island has one road with two lanes that circles the whole island with 2 cross streets, and they just got their first traffic lights about 4 months ago :) What was amazing to me was that everyone knew what Baha'i was, that no matter who you talked to they knew about the Temple- such a great influence it can have on that island- being that the late King was also a Baha'i, it could do so much. Just the mere fact that so many people knew about the Faith was mind-blowing because in most all countries, no one knows about the Faith, but Samoa was totally different!

These posts will be in segments, so I'll talk about the House of Worship first!

It's embedded in a sea of greenery. The landscaping is absolutely amazing- it reminded me of the Baha'i Shrines in Haifa, Israel- very organized and systematic in its design. The land is utilized to it's fullest , and uses the native plants and flowers to really “decorate”. The birds that sing around the Temple are so soothing and islander-y :) What amazed me about the landscape was how beautiful it was and how professional it was because it's such a small community there. It's so lush there, such an intense green, bright and intense but warm. I loved sitting in the Temple and looking out through the glass doors of the Temple and just seeing the amazing landscape and green. So beautiful! Words and pictures can't do it justice.

I'll have to do my trip in a couple entries, but as a taste, you should know that my first day in Samoa was a was a day of firsts:

1. first time seeing/going/being in a waterfall (freshwater too)

2. first time having a coconut (juice and flesh)

3. first time being on a boat

4. first time snorkeling

5. and first time sitting in the back of a truck

It was such an amazing trip. Check back soon for the next installment of stories :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm Almost Off to Samoaaaaaa!

Oh my Lord, I haven't written in almost a month?!
Well, if it makes you feel better, I've been really, really busy, so there's a reason! I didn't just abandon the blog :)

January absolutely flew by. We had the youth conference at the beginning, then right after, the Baha'is in our area launched into an intensive period of teaching. Every morning we had individual prayers for 45 minutes, then collective prayers for 45 minutes, followed by a 2 hour study of how to effectively teach the Faith. It was so eye opening- the studying (I felt like my brain was being challenged with in-depth concepts, literally almost exploded sometimes), the focused teaching, the power of prayer...I'm starting to finally understand what it means to be a Baha'i, what it means to teach, what it means to rely on prayer and faith. I grew up with the Baha'i teachings, and it wasn't until recently that I started to fully understand why I am a Baha'i- I've always believed in the teachings and principles, and in Baha'u'llah, but this period of focused serving and teaching and studying has just cemented it in me.

We are in a process of rebuilding our society, our ever-advancing civilization. We are here to know and love God and to understand that we are spiritual beings in charge of taking charge of our spiritual growth. The importance of having spirituality, of having prayer and faith in our lives is so evident in the way society carries itself- we see the materialism seeping through, we see the corruption and the impurity all around us, and what is needed to combat all of this? Spiritual teachings. Actions, thoughts, life, planted with a spiritual basis is what keeps us stable, is what is going to help the society grow and flourish. "The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct..."

So, some good Aussie stuff- a couple weeks ago was Australia Day (a bit like Independence Day)- when all the states in Australia united to form one government. We got a day off so we went to the beach to picnic it up. It was really nice- reallyyyy hot weather, but surrounded by good friends and fish and chips, you tend to forget you're sweating more than you have in your entire life. A couple nights ago we went to the beach (Palm Beach no would think they could get more and saw a bunch of dead bluebottle jellyfish! They are actually really pretty. We went into the water to get some pictures, not thinking they were still around, when a couple of the girls got stung. A true Australia experience. It was a gorgeous night. Just the right temperature, and to make it more magical, we got to see the moon rise above the ocean. I know! How awesome?! It's only on the Sydney side (East Coast I guess) where one gets to see the moon rising above the water, not the sun. I'm soooo going to be beach deprived when I get home. I'm quite accustomed to going to the beach at least once a week...and my friends back home would know that I'm not a beach person! So I guess I've been converted :)
Australia is finally feeling like home. I have almost less than 4 months to go before it's back to the US, and quite honestly, I don't know if I'm ready to go! It's crossed my mind to stay longer, but it's still a thought just floating in the background. My life is an open book (I know...still?!), so I should start looking at it as an opportunity to do anything. The thing with "anything" is that my mind starts to go wild with activities...which usually involves traveling which usually involves money. Who knows, I'm still holding out for Oprah to adopt me.

SAMOA!!! It is happening this Friday. It's so not real, I can't seem to wrap my brain around it! I can't believe that a mere idea of traveling with friends is actually happening. I'm so excited to see the House of Worship ( late King of Samoa was a Baha'i, did you know?- and the waterfalls and beaches! We leave, however, the same day that my dear friend, Betty, is leaving to go back home to China. She's been here just about how long I have, and her presence is very un-missable. She's like a big I'm pretty sure I'll be happy/sad/crying/laughing the whole day :)
Will defintely put pictures up and have stories- do check back!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How Does One Show Gratitude?

Recently I've expressed how incredibly grateful and blessed I feel to be able to be in Australia- to spend New Years Eve by the Harbour; to attend the youth conference; to be able to go to Samoa in February.

But then it dawned on me, how is this gratitude shown?

Yes, I feel thankful and so humbled, and I feel like God has blessed me with these opportunities, but how do I show my appreciation and true gratitude?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Arise and Serve and Ignite the World

Last weekend Australia held a national youth conference. Around 800 people in total attended, and it was such a fantastic conference- well organized, intriguing topics, phenomenal speakers, and a lovely and loving atmosphere. The conference really honed in and focused on what the role of Baha'i youth are (what youth in general are destined to do) which is tohelp ignite the hearts of those around them, to assist in the education of children and pre-teens, with the words of Baha'u'llah; to help all realize their true station, that we are spiritual beings created noble, with the reason for being here on earth is to recognize our Creator and through that build our spiritual capacities and help our society advance into a better civilization.

This wasn't all that clear to me until this weekend. After attending workshops and listening to talks, I realized that being a good Baha'i isn't just abiding by the basic laws (praying, Fasting...etc), what it is is to make the word of Baha'u'llah available to those around me, to teach the Faith as a service to humanity because the Faith is an eternal truth- that we are spiritual beings longing to be connected to our Creator. It was said that we are not going out trying to make people Baha'is, we are just trying to assist the growth and development of humanity through the teachings of spirituality, and that really resonated with me. Baha'is are seeking to offer that service through study of the Creative Word (Ruhi courses, first book looks at the purpose of life, progress of the soul and life after death

), childrens classes (taught with Baha'i inspired moral education material), Junior Youth Empowerment Programs (Baha'i inspired material that focuses on developing pre-teens' ability to recognize spiritual forces, to articulate concepts with clarity and to develop the concept of morality), and devotional gatherings (gatherings that consist of collective worship to awaken spiritual susceptibilities). All these activities, after being part of them for numerous years, finally became clear to me, and their purpose magnified.

The governing body of the Baha'i Faith, The Universal House of Justice, ordained by Baha'u'llah (the founder of the Baha'i Faith), wrote to the youth attending just a day before the conference, expressing that we are convening “at a moment of unprecedented opportunity and need "and that we "have been assigned the responsibility to show forth...values in [our] lives, so that [we] can be a source of attraction and illumination to those seeking direction within the turmoil of the society..." and "central to [our] role in the present day is to give new vigor to the concept of service". Youth these days are presented with so much pressure from society to act and show forth values that are not in coherence to who we really are. Society has skewed the view of what beauty is, what service is, what unity is. Service isn't donating money, service is looking at your environment and seeking out the areas that need attention and trying to address those needs hands on.

If any of this is resonating, if these concepts are true to what you believe in, I would like to discuss it further with you!

Over all it was an exhausting (7am to midnight for 4 days) but invigorating weekend. It was focused, mentally challenging, intellectual, social, and I loved it :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blessed to see Fireworks at Sydney Harbour!!!!

It was seriously spectacular and I feel so incredibly lucky that I am able to be here to witness it. A bunch of friends went to a friends house for dinner and dancing and then about 25 of us set out to find a destination to watch the world's first major New Year celebration. We got there about 11pm (1 hr to go!) and walked for about 30 minutes trying to find a good spot to see the whole harbour. We got soooo lucky and found a ledge to sit on (after a lot of climbing) and were able to see the Harbour Bridge, the city and the Opera House. It was soooooo epic, I cannot adequately describe it. It was a late late night but so incredibly worth it. This post will have to be short because I'm off to a youth conference tomorrow and the next couple of weeks will be super duper busy, but wanted to give you guys some pictures to look at. Hope you like and I'll try to keep up with this blog better!
lots of love!