Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Does it Mean to Live in the Moment?

For the past month I've really tried to practice the art of living in the moment. It's something that I've never been great at, but knowing that my time here is fleeting, soaking in every moment possible is vital.

I feel on some level, I've accomplished doing so- I've fully enjoyed all the events I've been doing, indulged myself in resturants and outings, and not worrying about finances or lack of sleep. I've had a legit meat pie, true state-of-the-art fish and chips, gone to an amusment park by the Sydney Harbour, gone to the city and enjoyed Pancakes on the Rocks, hung out with all different groups of friends and just living my last couple weeks to the fullest....Now the emotion is hitting me. Hitting me hard.

My undodgeable feelings of sadness have been put on the backburner for now, because up until today I wasn't going to let them take over and inhibit me from doing all the activies I want to do before I go home. The last two weeks were really good- full on happy and enjoying “living in the moment”...but at the same time, was I pushing my feelings aside? Ignoring it? In denial?

So what does it mean to live in the moment? Does it mean living like you don't know what is going to happen, which means it all hits you at once? Does it mean you constantly think about what is eminately going to happen and in turn being unhappy all the time? I know it's finding the balance, and right now, I'm off balance for sure. Am I to constantly remind myself that I have less than 3 weeks to go?! Because honestly now I feel like that's what I need to do to stay in “reality,” but then it makes me sad....

Ughhhhhh! God help!

1 comment:

Manda said...

"Living in the moment" !!
This very phrase has gone through my head so many times in the past few months. It is a hard thing to do. To me... it's about letting yourself enjoy the now, while occasionally taking a break to reflect on the past and plan for the future! It requires you to push aside all that is not in the present. Definitely doable, but hard!
Remind me to tell you stories about this (mostly funny and mostly about boys! hehe!).

Can't wait to see you!

Much Love,
Manda (: