Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Same Old Story

There's been a lack of updates because there really hasn't been anything to update you about! (And frankly, I don't know how many people are reading this, or are remotely interested). I got an email this week from the visa agency informing me that they need more information, documents and stuff, which means it's going to take a while to get the visa. I really didn't think it was going to take this long, up to two months they said. My frustration is up there. I'm getting more and more embarrassed about staying here, because I have to keep repeating the same answer to everyone- no, I don't know when I'm leaving, yes, I'll tell you when I'm leaving, no I'm not excited yet but I'll get there! Anyway, same old song and dance. Hopefully I'll have a new routine soon.

1 comment:

Ian! said...

just be like
"im gonna leave soon but it'll be fun!"
In the mean time, before u get there, PLAY Wii!!