Two months, 12 posts, many tears later, I have a date....and now I'm scared out of my mind! It just hit me, Bam! when I booked the flight, that I'll be gone. It's a totally different feeling when you're planning something than when your plans go through. I'm scared of having mediocre friendships when I want really close and lifelong friendships; I'm scared I will fail at serving the way I want to serve, failing at the task at hand; I'm scared of being independent, of finding myself, and all that comes with being on my own. I don't wana go!!!! Hahahaha :)
I just wish I was more confident in myself and in the process and journey I'm going to be on. Wish I had a little more faith in myself and in the powers above.
Well, there you have it. Soon I will actually be blogging about being in Australia and giving you some good inside scoop, and letting this blog live up to its name :)